Thank You for a great 2023

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for a great 2023!

Having a website and a YouTube channel has been challenging, but also a lot of fun.  One of my favorite things I started on my YouTube channel is a video featuring artwork created by readers of my blogs and viewers of my channel.   Guess what?  It’s time to send a photo so you can be in the upcoming viewer art video!

It is always interesting to see the subject matter of the artwork, the different skill levels, and how each artist puts their own unique touch in the artwork.

I’m super excited to tell you that I’m accepting submissions for this year’s 2023 Viewer Art video.   It would be wonderful if the artwork was created in 2023, but it is not have to be.    Now before I give you the particulars, there are a couple of things I want to mention.

First, some of you send me a number of photos showcasing different artwork you’ve created. That’s fine, I enjoy looking at what you have done.   If you do this make sure to tell me which artwork you want in the video.   DO NOT ASK ME TO PICK ONE!  That really irritates the crap out of me.  I have zero desire to judge your assorted artwork, or get into a discussion of why I might like one over the other.   If you send more than one photo, make sure to tell me which one to put into the video!

Second, take your photo straight on.   I always get some submissions that are taken at an angle.  That just doesn’t show as well in the video, and I want your artwork to look as best as it possibly can.

Third, all skill levels are welcome.  This is not a contest.  Instead is it a way to celebrate and enjoy pyrography artwork.  Variety makes it that more interesting.     

Fourth, make sure you include how you want your name to appear in the video.   I always get a few people who don’t provide a name, and I doubt you want me to use your email address.   God only knows what sort of junk email you’d start getting.  

Also, if you have a YouTube channel that you post artwork to, then give me that information.   I will include your YouTube channel in the video.   I will not put websites, because I would need to vet them and I have zero desire to do that.  

Now for the particulars

Time frame:   I’m accepting photos now through January 10th, 2024

Name:   Include how you want your name to appear in the video

Send to:

The 2023 Viewer Art Video will be available on:  January 16, 2024

Remember, this is not a contest!  The email I provided is something I only use for situations like this.   It doesn’t get a lot of activity, and that makes it easy to keep track of submissions.   

Send a photo of your artwork soon.  I’m really looking forward to seeing what you’ve created!

I love hearing from you, so leave a comment.

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